What Knee Surgery taught me as an Entrepreneur 

Humbling lessons after knee surgery

Relearning to walk post-knee replacement surgery was very humbling. One of the biggest lessons was, even if I thought I was not making progress, I had to keep going. 

I kept going for physiotherapy, 
I kept doing the prescribed exercises.
I kept enduring the extreme pain under my kneecap. 
I kept surviving. 
I kept improving. 

Until…I could finally walk again! I was making progress. I had to keep going to reach my desired progress and goals. There were some days that I was exhausted, so I rested. Some days I wanted to give up, but I didn’t. 

I kept going. 

At 4 ½ months post-surgery, I participated in the Treefrog Start-Up Accelerator program, Cohort 8. Workshop after workshop, I listened with intent. I made an effort to note all the “To Do’s” and kept making modifications to my business pitch deck along the journey of developing an app in the wellness space. I often felt overwhelmed with information. The pace was fast, but I took moments to breathe. There were days I wanted to give up. But, I didn’t. 

I kept going. 

I also learned that asking for help is critical to recovery, and as an Entrepreneur & Founder, it is critical to discovery!

Post-knee surgery, I relied on help from my husband and sometimes friends. My husband kept me fed, and drove me to all appointments. My friends would check in on me, and would listen to me in pain. 

When the overwhelm or anxiety hits me, I remember to rest when needed. Take moments to breathe, and then step forward, even if it feels like it is unstable and not perfect!

On this entrepreneurial journey, I have a wonderful Co-Founder, Harleen Kaur Taunque. She and I make sure that we stay on track, as well as make sure that we are moving forward at a pace that is manageable. In the future, you will be able to enjoy the Somable app.

2 thoughts on “What Knee Surgery taught me as an Entrepreneur ”

  1. Pingback: 2024 Post Surgery Knee Update - Heather Skoll

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