Giving & Receiving

Tis the season for giving and receiving! But how much is too much? 

When you do the Standing Chair Pose, it can help you gauge how much to put yourself out before it is too much, and you fall over! 

For the Standing Chair Pose, face your chair or countertop so that you have a support. Bend your knees into a squat. Your squat can be shallow or deep! You may continue to keep your fingertips on your chair or countertop OR perhaps you want to challenge your balance and lift your fingers off the support. 

Lean your weight onto your heels so that you can wiggle your toes. 

Can you also flip your palms upward? 

Imagine now that you are holding a pile of presents in your hands. 

Whoops! They are getting heavy and you feel like you are about to fall forward with so much giving! 

Wait! Lighten your load to what is manageable so that you can give and gift, and maintain your own balance and self-care. 

Perhaps you are not great at receiving presents or praise. Take a moment to get back into your Standing Chair Pose. Face your chair or countertop. Bend your knees into a squat. Your squat can be shallow or deep with your fingertips on your chair or countertop OR perhaps you want to challenge your balance and lift your fingers off the support. 

Lean your weight onto your heels so that you can wiggle your toes. 

Flip your palms upward. 

Can you maintain your squat as you imagine receiving gifts in your hands? 

Can you breathe, ground your heels, and gently pull back your shoulder blades to become stronger in your pose? 

Enjoy the Standing Chair Pose challenge to increase your awareness of giving and receiving and how it impacts your body this holiday season! 

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