How To Improve Your Warrior 2 Pose

How to improve your Warrier post 2 starting today.

Are you retired? How do you occupy your time? 

Although I spend time with my grandchildren, this only accounts for a few hours of my week. I go to physical therapies, exercise, record movement videos, teach classes, and work with clients. What do I do in-between?

When we don’t give attention to those in-between moments, we can find ourselves mindlessly scrolling on our devices, ruminating, or feeling bored. This is where doing the Warrior 2 pose comes in! 

Warrior 2 Pose is a significant pose that helps one be present and purposeful. 

The Warrior 2 Pose

In this pose, we begin standing with legs apart, more expansive than hip distance, and feet perhaps 20-24 inches away from each other (depending on your size!). Then, we pivot the feet. 

Let’s consider starting with the right foot turning right to 90 degrees and the left (which becomes the back foot) towards the right 30-45 degrees. The hips remain facing the original forward position. The head turns right, and the eyes look in the same direction as the right foot. The shoulders stay facing the original forward position finding balance.

Then, bend the right knee. It must stay within 90 degrees here. 

I want to offer three positions for the arms:

Arm Position 1

Learn Warrier Pose 2 - Arm position 1

The right arm extends straight, shoulder height, over the right leg. Palm faces down. The left arm remains down, with the palm facing the left leg.

Arm Position 2

How to improve your Warrier post 2 starting today.

The right arm extends straight, shoulder height, over the right leg. The left arm extends straight towards the left with the palm down. Check in! If this challenges sore shoulders, consider dropping one or both arms. 

Arm Position 3

Learn Warrier 2 Pose - Arm Position 2

The right arm extends straight, shoulder height, over the right leg. Palm faces down. Place the left hand with the elbow bent at your waist. 

Adding Breath to the Warrior 2 Pose

Once you have found your Warrior 2 pose position, it’s time to add breathing. Gently breathe in through your nose for three counts, pause, and breathe out for three counts. Do this three times. 

Check in:

  • How do you feel?
  • Do you want to try this on the other side, with the foot and head facing to the left? 
  • How did you feel on that side? 

Now that you have the basics of the pose, it’s time for the magic!

Return to the Warrior 2 Pose with the right foot and head facing the right side. Add your arms as you discover what feels most comfortable. When you breathe, notice where your head is: Are you leaning towards the front arm? Are you leaning back? Are you right in the middle? 

Use Warrior 2 to let go of your past

You’ve discovered the magic spot if your head is balanced in the middle. From here, your eyes can look forward while you remain very present. 

When you look forward while being present with yourself, you can envision your purpose or next steps without worry! When you are present with yourself in the moment, you don’t need to lean back and ruminate over the past. Magic! 

I invite you to practice the Warrior 2 pose again on both sides with me.

Part 1/2

Part 2/2

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How to improve your Warrier post 2 starting today. Watch the 2 videos so you can envision your purpose or next steps without worry.

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